Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So as most of you are aware, Parents never stop being parents regardless of how old their children get. My mom, who has stood beside me with any and every decision I have ever made, is once again attempting to do the same. :-) I say attempting because like most mothers out there, she is worried. Her exact words to me when I first told her I needed to talk about something I was planning were, “why, what are you doing this time?” I know it has been difficult for her in sooo many ways to have a daughter like me. But I do need to say this. You have no idea how powerful it is to have someone love and support you even if it goes against everything they believe in. I truly feel it is those people that will change the world.

On that note,

After a few conversations with my mother, some friends and a meteorologist I have decided to be really confused as to the direction of my tour. We, decided that driving Canadian Highways in the middle of winter was a little on the nutzo side and figured it was best for everybody’s sanity if I were to head south first and go from California, East. Of course, that still probably puts me on the East coast in the dead of winter instead of at the beginning when it is hopefully coming in like a lamb :-)

My original plan was to head East in Canada in October and be well on my way into the Southern part of the United States by early November.

HELP!!! I am hoping for a lot of feedback on this one as the direction of this tour seems to be the only
stressful thing right now. That and my Passport!


  1. Hey hey!! I would suggest going west first and hitting up here in the winter. Although it was considered a very mild winter last year, it isn't as bad as at home. Reason? All the streets are cleared ASAP when it snows. It's also not as cold here during the winter, though it is a different kind of cold. I survived winter (starting with January) in nothing more than a hoody, and wind breaker/rain jacket if it was snowing because it is really damp. I hope this helps!

  2. I say go with the original plan... head to Eastern Canada in Oct. and be in the Southern U.S. by November, just like you said. The roads will still be warm enough well into November that they won't be terribly bad. Even Calgary only has one or two bad days at the end of every year... it's not until January that it starts to get really shitty.

  3. Janis thinks it would be better to stick to the original plan. November/December in Canada would be way worse than October.

  4. Thank you for all the input so far. All extremely valid points. I will try to make a final decision within the next couple of weeks so the individuals who have offered me a place to stay in either direction, can have a better idea of when i will be rolling into town. keep the input coming though, as I have never been to the East and I will for sure be basing my decision on what I learn from these comments.

  5. hmmm good question @ where to go when. sticking westerly in the winter and moving easterly in the spring makes sense to me. winters here suck about as much as alberta ones. p.s. great blog!

  6. plus you don't want to be way south (like florida) in july/august, cuz it is hot as HELL!

  7. The hotter the better :-) 35 - 40 degrees and I am Happy Happy! As long as the sun is shining.
