Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ottawa Day 1

Stay tuned for my adventures in parliament.  For some reason they didn't seem to want to do a cavity search at security.  I asked, but they really didn't seem to share my sense of humour.  For those of you who have never been to Ottawa, the public transit announcement goes a little something like this....(ding dong) that is the sound the announcer makes before announcing the name of the stop...(ding dong)..."The Banks Street Station"...(ding dong) ..."Le Banks Street Station." glad they cleared that up in french...I would have had no idea where I was going.  Ottawa is a beautiful city with fabulous bike paths, tons of green space and phenomenally designed buildings.  I was given a tour today of the city and i found it quite refreshing.  No sky scrapers.  It's a big city life with a small city feel.  I was shown the parliament buildings and the homes of the Governor general and the prime minister.  No I did not throw eggs.  Along the way we passed a school within the "elite" neighbourhood.  This was the school where all the children of diplomats and heads of government would attend.  The word again...Elite.  News flash...You are only elite in this lifetime.  Don't let that go to your head.  you are just people who happen to have more money than most.  This does not make you better, nor does it entitle you to walk all over the people that don't really give a crap about your status in this world.  You earn your respect and you will keep it by standing by your word.  The race to the top, still ends with every single one of us taking our last breath.  Make the breaths you do still have; worth something and use your status to help make this world a better place. 

Ok, that was my rant for the day.  Ottawa is still beautiful especially this time of year with all the different colors and the fresh clean air.  It was a little chilly for my liking but hey, I can't have perfection all the time.

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