Sunday, October 10, 2010

Video Snipit

Here is just a few of the fun moments from the past 24 hours hope you enjoy!!

On a side note for this trip...Anyone hoping to enjoy the rest of the country from BC and Alberta East...Get yourself a Rogers cell phone!!  Do not believe telus when they tell you about the National and International Roaming bundles.  You will have no service east of Saskatchewan.  I will keep you posted as to where my service picks up again but as for now I have only had sporadic reception in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and no reception what so ever in Ontario.  Not safe, and I am not impressed with telus for convincing me that they were the way to go for a trip such as this.  They took a profit over my safety and I will see to it that something like this does not happen to anyone else.
Chat with all of you soon
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!


  1. Thanks for featuring your jerseys in the video blog and for the, "Go Chiefs"! I can't wait to see what other interesting locations the jerseys turn up in. They can be like the roaming gnome for our team...or is that you? ;P

  2. Welcome to Ontario,
    It was great to hear from you and to see you in front of the Ontario sign. We have the exact picture, except our family is in front of it. It looks like you are enjoying the trip despite a few challenges. We were at Louis's 90th birthday celebration yesterday and saw your mom and other family. We will be with the kids and grandchildren for turkey dinner tonight. Hope you are lucky enough to get some turkey. Happy Thanksgiving and happy travelling through Ontario! We give thanks for you today Margo and for communication to keep us in touch.

  3. Kerri, Thanks for the message. I do miss you guys and hope you have a great season!!! I do believe I am actually the roaming gnome but Rupert the chicken hat and the Chiefs Jersey are right up there with me :-)

  4. Uncle Ross and Auntie Gloria,
    I am having a great time in Thunder Bay! I did get a Thanksgiving dinner and to add to the greatness of that...It was all GLUTEN FREE!! Paula's family have taken me in and have treated me like one of their own. I could not have asked for a better start to this adventure. Thank you for thinking of me and I will for sure keep you up to date as to where I am and what my next move will be.

    What a GREAT Thanksgiving!!! say hello to the rest of the family for me :-)

  5. Paula, nice to "see" you again. FYI in the northern country here and northern BC where everyone has a "skidoo" the proper term is sledding, since skidoo is a brand name and no one owns one of those anymore.

  6. Margo Margo

    I never thought I would see a chicken dancing to PUMP UP THE JAM, lol. BAHAHAHAHHAHA, so funny. Thanks for the video, made me laugh pretty hard.

    Miss ya. Never got to hang out enough. Come home soon.

    Love Heather

  7. LOLOL omg @ bandaid in the jam! woooo @ Pump Up the Jam!

  8. Melanie, i wish you could"see" me more on this trip! Alas I am left in Thunder Bay, a great place with my family, before heading back west. Margo will have a blast!!! And Pepper won't know what to do with all the loving he's gonna get! It was great to do the drive with ya Margo and I will be navigator(not videographer) again at some point on this awesome tour of yours. Thanks Margo for infusing kindness but most of all fun here in the Kent household, you are wished happy trails!
