Thursday, September 16, 2010


When I first started planning this trip I was originally set up to travel through Canada and the United Sates on the kindness of strangers.  However, I have quickly come to realize that the kindness part was simply the spark.  The kindling if you will, for something so much more intricate.  I have been so pleased with the comments made on the blog so far and the anonymous emails I have received.  Both of which have transformed this adventure into something even I could have never imagined. 
When I sat down to write my “No Shoulds” post, I was completely unaware of the impact that something like that could have.  That particular post has created its own little subsection to this tour and has already changed the complexity of the message I was hoping to send and as you all know, I haven’t even left yet.
I am excited about this opportunity to add some different layers to my blog posts. As most of you already know, I will be starting to post my video diaries on YouTube in a few days.   I have asked a friend of mine to help me come up with some important questions to ask people throughout my travels.  I really want to get an everyman view about life and what makes it worthwhile.  I want to ask questions about how we as a society can make life better, not only for ourselves but for each other.  I want to step outside the realm of politics and find out what real people really think.  Yes, I say real people because I am not convinced that politicians are in fact real people. (tee hee)
 I would like to get as many of you involved in this adventure as I can, and get as much feedback as you are all willing to give.  So anyway, here is my challenge to all those in this small yet significant blog world so far... Send me your questions.  Send me something you have always wanted to know about the general public but were too afraid to ask. :-) Send me your comments and feelings on what makes you happy, sad, glad, mad.....well you get the picture.  Most of all, send me your ideas of what you think would make a great segment for my first few video diaries.
Feel free to send them to my email if you would prefer to remain anonymous.  I look forward to reading your ideas and I am excited to get started on the next phase of this adventure.  I hope to see as many of you as I can next Saturday September 25th  for those of you who can’t make it but wanted to be there, thank you so much for your support through your letters and emails.
See you all soon


  1. Hey Margo,

    I wish I could be there on the 25th, but I will be taking my family to California for our first big family trip (and the girls first ride in a plane!). I'll be thinking about you while I'm down there and I'll do a little scouting to see if there's some kindness out there on my own. I've always believed in doing the small things each day as a general consideration to others but it's tough to see even that is slowly disapearing in our world of iPods, Blackberrys and self-involvement.

    And now, I'll get off my soap box.......

    I'll work on that question for you as I immerse myself in the ultimate of American Media (aka Disneyland), I'll see what I can find. Should be interesting.

    As for your weather question, you may still be better off going east first. You don't want to hit the eastern seaboard in January/February. That's when the nasty blizzards come.

    Have fun this weekend!


  2. Hi Margo,
    I really admire what you are doing, you have a fantastic sense of adventure! I am a Calgary miniaturist/dollhouse junkie and I have shared your blog link with one of the biggest Facebook groups for miniaturists, Lots of great people all over the USA. I hope that you hear from some of them, they are some of the nicest people I know!

  3. OMG...Jolie,

    If you only knew my obsession with miniatures!!! I have been collecting them since I was little. No pun intended lol That is so awesome. I can only imagine the collections of the people in your group and I would be more than honoured to meet some of them and see what they have created.

    Thank you sooo much for passing this message and sharing your thoughts with me

    I look forward to hearing from more of your people

    Thanks again


  4. Chaylene, Good luck

    I couldn't agree more with the self involvement and our ability to go through an entire day without actually having to have any kind of human contact. I know because I tested it. I went a total of 24hrs once without talking to anyone on the telephone, emails or text message. I ordered a meal from a local restaurant on line and paid for it by credit card then had it delivered and left at my front door. We are becoming too dependent on technology and take for granted the impact that human contact can have on our psyche. I felt socially awkward for the first hour or so after secluding myself for over 24 I can't imagine how the younger generations are going to be if we keep heading down the text talk, instant messaging and everything else that has been keeping people from actually sitting down in the same place and having a real face to face conversation. We were given facial expression for a reason ;-)
