Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was having a couple drinks with some friends from my hockey team tonight and I heard something that I can honestly say I have never heard before. Believe it or not, it did not involve a four letter word. ;-) We were actually there to discuss the upcoming hockey season, but of course managed to get a little off topic a few times. Which if anyone has ever sat at a table with four women before knows it happens all the time.

(No should’s or should haves.) I am someone who likes to live by the motto “no regrets” but this was new to me. I loved it. Why go through life saying, “I should have done that” or “I really should have said that.” Or “I should have put myself out there when I had the chance.” True they are still regrets but in my world, regret is something I really should not have done as opposed to something I should have.

They are both equally important to live by and both as much a regret as the next.

Say what you feel, feel what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Other’s reactions to you are not your responsibility. If you happen to disagree with someone, than disagree with respect. Listen to what they have to say because their opinions are just as important as yours. Don’t say something you will wish you hadn’t and don’t walk away without saying anything at all.

In the words of a long time friend, ”if you have a “should” in your life right now, than do something about it or throw it away. Stop dwelling on it and move on.”

Let’s not wait until it’s too late and we are out of time with a list of should’s



  1. I love this Margo... relevant to whats going on in my life right. Gives me some thought on where I go from here.. thanks for that!

  2. Heather, that is awesome! You have no idea how many people have been sending me messages on this particular post. I had no idea it would hit home for so many. I am so excited about how this has already been a positive in so many lives. That is why I am doing this. Thank you so much for your comment. I look forward to many more.
